Holding Hands is limited to six children, ages 2 to 4, each school year. They do not have to be potty-trained prior to starting school and our teacher works closely with families to guide children in this important milestone in their child’s life.

Our program is Montessori inspired curriculum, rooted in the developmental approach, enriching each child's social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth throughout the day.

Early Learners program focuses on social, emotional development and guiding children as they make the important transition into a school setting. Go-Go provides opportunities for socialization, friendships, development of cooperative play, and self expression using "languages" such as music, dance, story telling, art and dramatic play.

There is a bi-weekly themed lesson plan posted in the classroom related to circle time, classroom activities, and skill development. Examples include; All about me, healthy habits, fun at the zoo, family and friends and many more.

In addition to class activities, the schedule includes introduction to numbers, colors and writing through varies activities. Along with important academic development, educators will place a great emphasis on nurturing each child's social and emotional development; such as the ability to problem solve, being respectful to peers and teachers, becoming critical thinkers, and productive members of their classroom community.

We also prioritize outdoors activities spending part of the day enjoying our playground. While outside, children engage in gross motor activities such as riding, jumping and climbing.